With counterfeit issues and a lost in quality, luxury brands are doing everything they can to keep consumers lusting for more. So, how can they stay relevant while, still remaining loyal to the namesake? Chanel seemed to have figured this out!
According to Reuters, Chanel has acquired its long-time lamb hide provider, the French tannery Bodin-Joyeux. The purchase is set to ensure that the company continues to offer top quality products in the future.
According to CNBC, Chanel, which belongs to the Wertheimer family, is the second biggest luxury brand in the world, behind Louis Vuitton and ahead of Ralph Lauren, with nearly 6 billion euros ($8 billion) in estimated annual sales.
Designer, visionary, artist, Gabrielle ‘Coco’ Chanel reinvented fashion by transcending its conventions, creating an uncomplicated luxury that changed women’s lives forever. She followed no rules, epitomizing the very modern values of freedom, passion and feminine elegance.
By Lolita A. Alford